Become Part of The Journey

Thank you for your consideration in joining me on this epic film adventure. The intensity of effort which I have devoted to this project has, yet again, emphasized the importance of teamwork and collaboration. Simply put, the film will have a greater impact with your help. If you would like to become part of this film, please read the sponsorship details below.

About The Film
Call Me Moab is a new documentary film that chronicles the story of the town’s newest mountain bike outfitter- Bighorn Mountain Biking. From the earliest stages of ideation in 2019 all the way to modern day success, all of the triumphs and obstacles have been professionally captured, curated and the film is nearing publication for the fall of 2024.
This documentary will transport the audience far beyond the operation of a single business and it's not only about mountain biking– this is a story about the human experience and our search for worth.
Over the course of 40 minutes, viewers will be taken on an intimate journey through Moab’s most notable and lesser known chapters of history. These eight historical segments are elegantly displayed with genuine archival photos and articulate narration. More than that, each era of history in the Moab Valley directly corresponds with a major event in the formation of Bighorn Mountain Biking, creating a unique connection between our days of old and modern times.

Plans For Publication
Stage 1 Film Festivals - World Wide
Call Me Moab will be entered into the largest film festivals across the world, including the Banff Mountain Film Festival and World Tour where it has the possibility of reaching an audience of over half a million, spanning 50 countries. Festivals that focus on outdoor sports, mountain culture, and documentaries will be the primary focus. The film will be played at festivals beginning the fall of 2024 through the summer of 2025.
Stage 2 Local Screening in Moab
A town that warrants its own documentary film, of course, deserves to have its own showing. This would take place either during the fall of 2024 or spring of 2025. Grand County High School or Star Hall would be suitable venues.
Stage 3 Internet Distribution
After the live showings and festivals have completed, the film will be uploaded to my personal youtube channel where it can be viewed for free across the world and remain there in perpetuity.

// $250
A contribution of $250 will reserve a space for your personal name or business name to be listed during the closing credits. The donor section of the credits will scroll up the screen over top of the final shot of the film which is a breathtaking 50 second aerial view of the famous whale rock located near the the Captain Ahab singletrack. This rock formation is a major influence for both the film’s storyline and visual foundation. Here is the actual shot that will be used with example text.

// $1,500
A contribution of $1,500 will earn your business the unique advantage of being featured on screen during the film in addition to being mentioned in the end credits. At specific moments in the film, Moab’s main street and nearby commercial areas will be shown for visual context as well as to support the storyline and emphasis on tourism. Among these clips, your business front, sign, or product will be clearly displayed for approximately 2 seconds. In this screenshot you can see the popular Mexican restaurant Giliberto's- a town favorite for quick burrito.

// $Let's Talk
A substantial contribution will earn your business the distinct privilege of being among the first visuals to appear on screen. As the film begins, a series of captivating landscape shots will be shown to set the stage for the audience. All eyes will be locked onto the screen as the narration begins to tell the story of the beautiful Moab valley. This screenshot displays an iconic view captured from Dead Horse Point State Park.
"The only way that luck is going to be in your favor is
if you are willing and able..."

Would you like to use another method of donation?
Contact me at pierce.ryanc@gmail.com

When you watch the film, I hope it makes you reflect.
Wherever you're at in life, there were choices that led you here, and there are choices you are making right now that will take you somewhere else. Sometimes that process takes years.
Kenny and I were friends before he had a business and before I knew how to operate a camera. This film is an origin story for both of us. When I hit record for the first time in winter of 2019, neither of us knew how deep this journey would go.
I eventually left Moab and guiding to pursue other opportunities in film, but continually returned, season after season, capturing the conversations, connections, and events that create this inspiring story.
Join me, and together we'll write another chapter of Moab's amazing story.
- Ryan Pierce